DNA Amplification

Thanks to the DNA amplification service. It is possible to ask our laboratories for the realization and / or development of PCR.

There are two options:

1. Design and synthesis of oligonucleotides by the customer.
2. Design and synthesis of the related oligonucleotides by the service.

In addition to choosing the desired option, to use the service, we that we need:

Map in electronic format of the DNA with the indication of the target to be amplified;
Size of the amplicons;
PCR program / protocol with indication of the working T and n ° of cycles;
Tm sequence of the oligonucleotides used (valid for option 1)
Image of the electrophoretic control run of the material sent as template for the PCR;
Information on the type of polymerase to be used to be chosen between: Taq Polymerase (PromegaGoTaq) and / or Pfu Polymerase (Finnzyme Phusion ® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase)
Furthermore, need to send:

DNA template in 0.2 ml test tube (minimum required quantity 500 ng);
Oligonucleotides at a concentration of 100 pmoles / µ l.
This technique can be associated with other services such as:

Cloning: the resulting fragment can be cloned, controlled by sequencing and used to obtain different quantities of plasmid DNA (midi or maxi).
Sequencing: the fragment produced can be; be sequenced, both with the relative oligos used for the PCR reaction and with other oligos on demand. The oligos will be stored in the
personal oligo bank.
Genotyping: the resulting fragment can be stored; be analyzed by the sequencer to characterize individuals, diagnose mutations or detect transgenes.

Everything you need to do is send the material to be amplified with the relative information .... we'll take care of the rest. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Amplification of DNA

PRICE LIST Research support services

Registered office: Bio-Fab Research srl – Via Mario Beltrami, 5 – 00135 ROMA
P.I./C.F./CCIAA n. 08736731004 - REA n. 1114841 - Cap. soc. i.v. 10.000,00

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