Years ago I was synthesizing oligonucleotides and it was really convenient to have the ability to tailor them at any time.
I planned the experiment in the morning and could have the oligos in the afternoon to get the job started.
Then the price suffered a huge drop and my boss at the time said:
"Fabio is better to buy them, already made, somewhere else ....".
Now every time I have to order one I have the problem that the courier costs more than the oligo.
And then ... IDEA!
All the oligos that you will have to use to sequence, to amplify or for any other technique, which can be carried out in the Bio-Fab laboratories, will be synthesized by us and will be stored in a personalized oligo bank (lasting one year) to which you can log in whenever you want using your "user ID" and your "password" in the reserved area, obtaining the following advantages :.
After one year of storage, it is possible that the quality of the sequences may decrease due to possible degradation of the oligos. It is specified that the request for re-synthesis of the oligos stored in the oligo bank is the responsibility of the customer.
Registered office: Bio-Fab Research srl – Via Mario Beltrami, 5 – 00135 ROMA
P.I./C.F./CCIAA n. 08736731004 - REA n. 1114841 - Cap. soc. i.v. 10.000,00