The performance of any NGS application on Illumina platforms consists basically of six main phases:
1) study and design of the experiment and preparation of biological samples;
2) preparation of the library;
3) quantification and validation of the library;
4) cluster generation and amplification;
5) sequencing;
6) data analysis.
The Bio-Fab offer includes:
a) elaboration of the experiment design;
b) library preparation service;
c) validation and quantification of the library through Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, qPCR and QuBit;
d) generation and amplification of clusters and sequencing on Illumina platform;
e) primary data analysis and generation of FastaQ files;
f) secondary analysis based on the Client's requests and agreed with the Bioinformatician;
g) specialist support during all phases of project development.
The user can access the service starting from phase a) or at your choice also from b), c) or d)
To be guided in the elaboration of the design of the experiment, and therefore in order to receive a quote and access the service, it is necessary to fill in the detailed ACCESS FORM downloadable below.
For any doubt about filling out the form, or if you experience problems in correctly downloading the access form file, contact Bio-Fab at
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Registered office: Bio-Fab Research srl – Via Mario Beltrami, 5 – 00135 ROMA
P.I./C.F./CCIAA n. 08736731004 - REA n. 1114841 - Cap. soc. i.v. 10.000,00